My life has been a complete whirlwind as of late.......bookings, constant choreo, marketing, traveling....and it is wonderfully exhausting.
Sadly, I lost my Uncle a few days ago, and just now returned from saying my farewells. He had been sick (we were all expecting that he might be taken from us soon), but I didn't think it would affect me like this. I spent time with my family, and I loved seeing them and celebrating his life, but when I got to the airport to return home, I started to lose it. I was so emotional. Not just the due to the loss of my Uncle, I think I was at peace with that, but more an awareness of the amazing gift I have been given in the form of my life....
I have been asking myself 'has my life improved by associating with those around me?', as well as 'has knowing me improved the lives of those I care about?' A great deal of re-evaluating has taken place in a very short period of time, but I feel it has always been bubbling just below the surface.
Life is good.