Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"By changing nothing, nothing changes"

What an amazing year this has been, and to think it's not over just yet!

I am in love with California! 

In the brief time I have been here, I have encountered one dynamic person after another.....venue owners, producers, and performers. All genuine and obviously following their passion. I find myself drawn in by these individuals. I feel there is an unwritten rule however, and this might just be my rule, but......as lovely as being friendly with everyone is, if I am not delivering great performances, I don't really deserve to be there...and I want to deliver. BIG.

This is something that was taught to me by Lili VonSchtupp, in one swift email when I was starting out in burlesque, and for which I will always be grateful. If not for this realization early on, I would not be performing today. The bonds formed while learning and performing together are irreplaceable, but 'oh darling', 'kisses doll', and 'you're so fabulous' only hold so much weight without the sincerity that comes with solid performance skills, professionalism, and business etiquette. And this is a business.

It has been difficult coming to the decision to leave my Arizona troupe BurlEscapades permanently. It is a troupe I co-founded, and I grew immensely as a dancer and as a person during our time together. They are wonderful performers. Watch for their shows!

Meanwhile, check my website for show dates and event information! www.mercybeaucoupburlesque.com

*Title quote- Tony Robbins